Studies Recruiting Participants

FeGenes Study

  • Purpose: The study seeks to understand population differences in iron absorption and status
  • Eligibility: Healthy, non-smoker, non-pregnant, 18-50-year-old Easter Asians and Northern Europeans
  • Time Commitment: approximately 1 hour
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium: $20 cash, genetic ancestry information, breakfast, and a packed lunch

For more information please email [email protected] or call 607-254-5376


Nutritional & Metabolic Correlates of Ovarian Morphology in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Ithaca, NY | ID: NCT01927471

  • Purpose: This study investigates how aspects of metabolism, lifestyle, and age influence ovarian function, as well as how hormones differ in women with distinct patterns of follicle populations.
  • We are looking for: Women, ages 18 - 45 years, with a previous diagnosis of PCOS, who are not currently taking hormones (i.e., birth control pills, fertility medications, etc.)
  • Time Commitment: 3.5 - 4 hours spread over 3 study visits, 7 days off site (to wear a device that measures physical activity).
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium: $100
  • ID: NCT01927471

For more information, please email Professor Marla Lujan at: [email protected]


  • Purpose: To understand how ovaries change during puberty.
  • Eligibility: Adolescents between the ages of 9-17 who had their very first period within the last 18 months
  • Time Commitment: 3 study visits (~150 minutes each) over 6 months
  • Study Includes: Belly ultrasound, MRI scan, blood draws, and keeping a menstrual diary
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium: up to $150 cash

For more information, please email [email protected] and include ‘OMG-MRI’ in the subject line.

Ovarian Ultrasonography for the Clinical Evaluation of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Rochester, NY | ID: NCT03547453

  • Purpose: This study investigates ultrasound technology and aspects of age and adiposity influence ovarian morphology.
  • We are looking for: Women, ages 18 - 45 years, with a previous diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), who are not currently taking hormones (i.e., birth control pills, fertility medications, etc.)
  • Time Commitment: 45-60 minutes
  • Study Locations: University of Rochester & Strong Fertility (Rochester, NY)
  • Honorarium and Benefit: $25

For more information, please email Professor Marla Lujan at: [email protected]

Project FRIENDS | Food Research Initiative on the Experience of Nutrition Diversity & Security

Researchers at the Figueroa Interdisciplinary Group (FIG) Laboratory from Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences, are recruiting participants for a research study about food experiences related to nutrition diversity, security, and participation in food assistance programs.

Purpose: This study may help us better understand nutrition security and construct community-based initiatives to address it. As part of this study, you will be asked to complete a one-on-one interview. You may also be eligible to complete a survey to be compensated separately.

Who: You are eligible to participate in this study if you are at least 18 years of age or older, reside in Up State New York, and are eligible to receive food assistance benefits.

Where and for how long: Primarily, this study will be conducted via phone or video conference. Your participation will last approximately 45 to 60 minutes.

Compensation: You will be compensated for your participation with a gift card valued at $20 USD.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please reach out to [email protected]. For questions or concerns, please contact Roger Figueroa via email at [email protected].

Reproductive Age Study

  • Purpose: To understand the impact of age on ovarian follicle counts
  • We are looking for: Women ages 35-48 years old who are not currently taking hormones
  • Time Commitment: 2 study visits (~45 minutes each)
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) and University of Rochester Medical Center (Rochester, NY)
  • Honorarium: $25
  • For more information, please email Professor Marla Lujan at: [email protected]

Ultrasound Characterization of Ovarian Follicle Dynamics During Weight Loss   Ithaca, NY | ID: NCT01785719

  • Purpose: To evaluate how follicles develop in the ovaries of overweight women during weight loss, and to explore how changes in body composition, metabolic status, and reproductive hormones influence patterns of ovarian follicle development.
  • We are looking for: Women aged 18-35 with who have a BMI > 30, who are not currently taking hormones (i.e., birth control pills, fertility medications, etc.)
  • Time Commitment: 7-months of 2-4 study visits per week (20 minutes each) including a blood draw and transvaginal ultrasound scan, plus 3-4 longer visits (~2.5 hours) requiring an overnight fast.
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium and Benefit: Complimentary 6-month subscription to Nutrisystem D, Fitbit Device, and $2000 cash honorarium
  • ID: NCT01785719

For more information, please email Professor Marla Lujan at: [email protected]

Ultrasound Characterization of Ovarian Follicle Dynamics in Women with Amenorrhea | Ithaca, NY ID: NCT01927432

  • Purpose: To compare how follicles develop in the ovaries of women that have regular menstrual cycles and those that have irregular/absent menstrual cycles, and to explore how body composition, metabolic status, and reproductive hormones are related to patterns of follicle development.
  • We are looking for: Women aged 18-35 with regular menstrual cycles who have a BMI < 25, who are not currently taking hormones (i.e., birth control pills, fertility medications, etc.)
  • Time Commitment: 4-6 weeks
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium and Benefit: $300
  • ID: NCT01927432

For more information, please email Professor Marla Lujan at:
[email protected]

Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Anovulatory Disorders in Lean and Overweight Women | New York City, NY | ID: NCT03306849

  • Purpose: The study investigates whether ultrasound features of the ovaries can be used to reliably diagnose different types of anovulatory disorders in women across all body types. The study will also try to establish whether ultrasound features of the ovary can reflect the degree of reproductive and metabolic problems that a woman with irregular or absent periods might be experiencing.
  • We are looking for: Women, ages 18-45 years with regular menstrual cycles, irregular menstrual cycles, or a previous diagnosis of PCOS
  • Time Commitment: 3.5 - 4 hours spread over 4 on-site study visits, 7 days off-site (to wear a device that measures physical activity).
  • Study Locations: New York City, NY
  • Honorarium and Benefit: $125
  • ID: NCT03306849

For more information, please email Professor Marla Lujan at: [email protected]


  • Purpose: To evaluate how follicles develop in the ovaries of overweight women during weight loss, and to explore how changes in body composition, metabolic status, and reproductive hormones influence patterns of ovarian follicle development.
  • Eligibility: Women aged 18-35 with who have a BMI > 27, who are not currently taking hormones (i.e., birth control pills, fertility medications, etc.)
  • Time Commitment: 7-months of 2-4 study visits per week (20 minutes each) including a blood draw and transvaginal ultrasound scan, plus 3-4 longer visits (~2.5 hours) requiring an overnight fast.
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium and Benefit: Complimentary 6-month subscription to Nutrisystem D, a Fitbit Device, and up to $2000 cash honorarium

For more information, please email [email protected] and include ‘Weight Loss Study’ in the subject line.

weight loss

Code red study | ITHACA, NY 

  • Purpose: To understand how girls’ bodies and brains change during puberty.
  • Eligibility: Adolescents between the ages of 9-16
  • Time Commitment: 1 study visit (~120 minutes) and the option to participate in a longer study
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium: up to $300 cash

For more information, please email [email protected] and include ‘Code Red’ in the subject line.

code red

Bone and muscle health study | ITHACA, NY 

  • Purpose: To understand bone and muscle health during reproductive ages using magnetic resonance imaging.
  • We are looking for: Women aged 18-35 with irregular or absent periods or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Time Commitment: 2 study visits (~ 150 minutes each)
  • Study Location: Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
  • Honorarium and Benefit: up to $200

For more information, please email [email protected] and include ‘MRI Study’ in the subject line.
bone and muscle health