The College of Human Ecology has a comprehensive network of counselors and advisors to help undergraduate students plan a path that suits their academic and personal goals. The roles of advisors and counselors often overlap and students should use both resources to best serve their needs.

Faculty advisors associated with each major provide guidance for students who are looking to focus their intellectual interests, identify research opportunities and network in their academic fields. Each major also has a director of undergraduate studies (DUS) who directs the advising activities of the associated department.

College counselors help students from all majors to navigate curriculum requirements, address personal needs and goals, plan academic schedules and pursue postgraduate opportunities. Incoming students can meet with college counselors and directors of undergraduate studies during orientation week and with faculty advisors throughout the semester as needed.

Schedule an appointment with the Office of Student & Career Development to discuss any plans or questions you have related to your academic, personal, or professional goals. 

To avoid forfeiting or cancellation of your appointment, you must include your full name and use your Cornell email address when scheduling. Note that all appointments must be initially scheduled as virtual meetings. You will receive a Zoom link for your appointment. You will not receive a Zoom link if you have not used your Cornell email address and your appointment will be forfeited. 

In-person appointments may be available pending advisor availability.

If once your appointment has been scheduled, you wish to see if an in-person option is available for the selected time, please e-mail us. You must wait until you have received confirmation of an in-person appointment prior to arriving in person for the scheduled time.

For questions regarding financial aid, be sure to make an appointment with the Financial Aid office. Please follow the instructions within the scheduling website.   

Our office may be reached by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling 607-255-2532

Any student considering a health leave of absence should visit the Health Leave of Absence site for details managing that process. Please schedule an appointment with a counselor in our office and work with the university  Health Leaves coordinator to address questions. Our online scheduling system is currently unavailable. Human Ecology students should use chatter, email, call 607.255.2532, or stop by 1210 MVR to schedule an appointment.

Counselors in the Office of Student and Career Development offer personal counseling, including exploration of problems or concerns of a personal nature. Discussions are completely confidential and address such issues as: work load and time management, medical and family problems, concerns about classes, leaves of absence, general petitions, and more.

Our online scheduling system is currently unavailable. Human Ecology students should use chatter, email, call 607.255.2532, or stop by 1210 MVR to schedule an appointment.

Other Cornell resources

Directors of Undergraduate Study (DUS)

Directors of Undergraduate Study in each department are available to answer questions about the advising system and the undergraduate major. If you find it's necessary to change faculty advisors, simply request a new assignment from your department's DUS.

Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisors are often the first faculty that students meet on a personal basis. They can help you choose courses, identify research opportunities, and assist with issues pertaining to their fields of study.

Graduate and professional schools require letters of recommendation, so building a strong relationship with college faculty is one of the best ways to prepare for recommendation letter requests. Students should cultivate these relationships early in their academic career. Appointments can be made with faculty advisors by going to office hours or contacting faculty directly through email. Check the Human Ecology faculty directory for a faculty listing in each department.

College Counselors in the Office of Student and Career Development

Counselors in the Office of Student and Career Development can help students explore and define personal, academic, and career goals; obtain an overview of college and university programs; become informed about college policies and graduation requirements; identify resources for academic and career planning, and provide study abroad advising. These counselors are also available for specific career planning, in medicine and health, law, business, and design.

College Counseling Staff

  • Darryl Scott, Director
  • Verdene Lee
  • Deanne Maxwell
  • Paul Fisher, Study Abroad
  • Amanda Gonzalez
  • Shaun Gendrue

Services Available

  • Academic advising
  • Alumni-student programs
  • Career development counseling
  • Career exploration workshops
  • Clarification of major requirements
  • Communecology
  • Cornell Handshake
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • Interpretation of academic policies
  • Multicultural student services
  • New student orientation
  • Premed and prelaw
  • Resume development
  • Study abroad advising
  • Transfer student support

Academic Support Services

If you find yourself struggling in a course, there are people available to talk with you.

Start by speaking with the professor of the course. If you have a TA, talk with that individual. Your faculty advisor or a counselor in the Student and Career Development Office may also be able to help. Other resources include:

  • The Learning Strategies Center provides academic support for undergraduates in all academic units at Cornell. It provides students with tutoring and supplemental courses in biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics and physics. Assistance in improving general study skills is available through semester long courses, workshops, individual consultations, and online resources.

  • The Writing Walk-In Service is a resource for every writer on campus. Tutors can discuss questions about the writing process or about particular pieces of writing such as letters of application, personal statements for graduate and professional school, creative writing, proposals and reports, as well as academic papers at any stage of their composition. The tutoring staff also works with questions of self-confidence about writing, critical reading and analytic thought, and the active use of the imagination.

  • The College provides special programs and academic support for students preparing for careers medicine and health and law, and for those planning to attend graduate school.

Currently enrolled Human Ecology students who encounter financial difficulty or anticipate running short of funds may discuss their needs with a counselor in the Student and Career Development Office.

Complete information is available in Cornell’s Financial Aid Office.

Cornell Commitment Programs recognize, encourage, and reward select students who exemplify Cornell’s commitment to academic excellence, work and service, research and discovery, and leadership.

The Human Ecology Alumni Association provides small emergency grants to students in the college who have unexpected financial problems. Some funds are also available for special grants. Contact the the Human Ecology Alumni Office.